“Women are born to cook, do household chores, and be responsible for childcare”. To be precise, people in older days believed, “women are not just born, but fit for only these tasks”. To rewind the Indian society also believed in child marriage and certain bizarre practices such as sati, female infanticide etc. which is very rare today compared to what it was in those days.
Thanks to Industrial revolution and Education which had actually changed the whole idea about what women are “also” capable of. Let’s just say that earlier women just accepted the rules and restrictions constructed by the Indian society. But if we see today, right from driving a train to holding the highest office in the Government women are present everywhere. Women today have the courage to voice out opinions whenever necessary due to the given exposure.
As we all know that women still do face obstacles today at the workplace, issues of a working mother, various responsibilities. In simple terms, we can say that they are “Multitaskers”. The way women tackle issues at work and at home is simply brilliant! Yes, it is now widely acknowledged, and pretty much accepted, that there are no differences between men and women in either capability or potential as they are proving themselves again and again. However, whilst this is true of all the professions, and broadly across all manufacturing and service sectors, there are still some stark limits to perceived parity.
Women comprise a significant segment of the workforce. And, while the number of women working today is a substantial increase from past years, there’s still a lot that can be done to increase the number of women who are not only part of the workforce, but remain engaged and active throughout their careers.
Why are women important for workplace?
One possible reason is diversity. Diversity at work brings together different types of energies that complement each other. In a male dominated culture, the workplace loses out on all that women bring to the table – multitasking, customer-centricity, teamwork, a nurturing mind-set and so on.
This does not mean that men don’t have these qualities, but women by design are more conditioned towards these characteristics.
Secondly, women make for nearly 50 per cent of the world’s population. For a more balanced workplace they need to be represented equally, too. Actually, they need to have an equal representation in the larger scheme of things everywhere.
Ready to look at some facts and figures?
▪ By 2050, India Will Be the Most Populous Country in the World.
▪ By 2027 the working-age population in India will be almost 20% (18.6%) of the entire global labour force.
▪ Reaching gender parity would have a bigger impact in India than in any other region in the world.
▪ Increasing women’s labor force participation by 10 percentage points could add $770 billion to India’s GDP by 2025.
▪ India’s labour force participation rate for women is low due to lack of suitable work, especially for women, is not readily available. Flexibility in work timings and proximity to their households are important.

When we have to talk about attainment of goals or building a solid workplace culture and atmosphere, traits such as empathy, intuition, and optimism of women are required towards the benefit of the company. Their emotional intelligence and passion helps to create a healthy and positive workplace relationship and well-rounded workforce.
Male dominated workplaces is slowly turning into a myth. This might be the result of gender willingness, career intentionality, and confidence of female employees. To conclude, women are fighters! They are born to bring in revolution to the world!
Let us all continue to respect their capability and recognize them for who they are!

Reference: https://www.catalyst.org/research/women-in-the-workforce-india