IT-Software- Software services
BCWI : 2023,2022,2021,2020,2019,2017,2016 MICI : 2023,2022,2021,2020,2019
Citi’s development programs are key to its diversity strategy. Across different levels of the firm, these programs target the development and career advancement of women with a structured curriculum. They have opportunities for participants to connect with colleagues and support from a network of sponsors and leaders across the organization. The specifics of each program are customized to align with the needs of employees at each career stage and across different types of roles with coaching and mentoring opportunities. Furthermore, 91% of women employees have the opportunity to work in a hybrid fashion, and 100% of women have flexible work schedules. Their women employees take advantage of child care centers or avail of child care assistance, availing their maternity leave along with additional extensions. Dedicated support from senior leaders and formal mentoring and sponsorship programs aid in women's advancement.